A few days ago, SOP co-founder Mark Lane was driving into Livonia and he passed a sign welcoming him into the city. The slogan on the sign gave him pause and he promptly turned his car around (legally), stopped on the side of the road, and took a picture.
The saying spoke to him. Like any good social media user, Mark posted the picture on Facebook and asked the question "what do you think Dearborn's sign should say?"
Signs like this one do more than let the driver know they have entered the city limits. It speaks to the values and vision of the city you are visiting. It tells you where the city has been and where it is going all in just a few words and the short seconds it takes to pass. As we have said before, SOP is more than just about keeping a place to swim in Dearborn. We are about preserving the value and unique treasures of the City of Dearborn including our neighborhoods and connections that make us a family.
So, what do you think should be on the City of Dearborn sign, welcoming visitors and perhaps future residents to our great city? Comment on this post with your ideas and we will put some of our favorites on the sign below.
For God sake I hope they fill your pool in with cement. Grow up Peter Pan's... if you want change in the City, RUN FOR OFFICE. The people of Dearborn keep electing these folks. Get over it. Why should the entire city residents who are not doing so well financially like other people around the city foot the bill for your pools? Especially those who don't use them. Get over yourselves. After reading your inane, childish comments on Deep Said What, you have completely marginalized whatever points you were trying to make. GTH.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy it for creating the details, keep up the truly amazing perform continuing Zwembaden